Pipeline Safety
About Propane
Propane is a non-toxic, reliable fuel that has been used for decades in various residential and commercial applications. Propane gas is heavier than air, odorless, and colorless with an odorant added to identify by smell. Propane is one of the nation’s most versatile sources of energy and supplies 3 to 4 percent of our total energy needs. Nearly 11 billion gallons of propane are consumed annually in the U.S. by more than 50 million Americans who use propane every day in their homes, on farms, for vehicles, and even for recreation.
People trust and rely on propane for heating and cooling their homes, heating water, cooking, refrigeration, drying clothes, barbecuing, and fueling their fireplaces. This exceptional fuel is available anywhere in the U.S. and burns cleanly, so it’s environmentally friendly.
“Excess Flow Valve” Offer
The safe delivery of gas remains a primary mission of the worldwide gas industry. One of the devices available in the industry is the “excess flow valve” or EFV. This EFV is utilized in the industry to detect cut or severed gas lines and to reduce the amount of gas flow through the line when this situation occurs.
The EFV is designed to detect an abnormally high flow of gas. When this abnormally high flow is detected, the valve automatically activates to reduce the passageway in the pipe so that only a small amount of gas can trickle through the line. Once the situation that caused the abnormally high flow of gas has been corrected and the gas pressure in the line equalizes, the EFV resets and allows the normal flow of gas to resume.
Texas Community Propane, Inc. is offering to install an Excess Flow Valve meeting the performance standards of 49 CFR 192.381 to serve its customers homes. The EFV would be installed underground near where the yardline serving your home connects to the main. The EFV should automatically restrict the amount of gas that would otherwise blow in the event your yardline was cut, damaged, or severed (note: your yardline connects at the gas main and extends and ends at your meter.)
Texas Community Propane, Inc. is offering to install an Excess Flow Valve for a total cost of $195.00 (includes parts, labor, equipment and procurement). If you would like to order the installation of an EFV at your home, please fax (512-233-0547) or mail this form to us and we will contact you to schedule the installation. Please note that the fee quoted does not include replacement of any landscape and we are not responsible for any damage to landscape during the installation process.
Texas Community Propane, Ltd. cannot be and is not responsible for any damages due to the malfunction of the EFV in the event it should fail to operate as intended.
Gas Pipeline Awareness and “Call Before You Dig”: Texas Community Propane, Ltd. provides propane gas service through subdivision-based propane gas distribution systems. The system delivers propane gas vapors through a network of underground pipes located in the subdivision to a gas meter located beside the customer’s house.
Because underground gas lines and other utility lines are located in each customer’s yard, Texas law requires you to provide a two (2) business day notice to all utility companies before you dig. You can provide this notice by calling 811 to request a line locate.
There is no charge for this call or for this service. TX 811 will notify the gas company and we will mark the location of our gas lines with either yellow flags or yellow paint or both so that you will know what areas to avoid.
Pipeline Markers are an important safety precaution. Because our pipelines are buried underground, we use Pipeline Markers to identify the approximate location of some of our larger gas lines.
Pipeline Markers can be found at most street, highway, and railway intersections. Be aware of any Pipeline Markers in your neighborhood. Write down the gas operator’s name and phone number in case of an emergency.
(Note: There are areas where gas pipelines exist that do not have Pipeline Markers; remember to always call Tx 811 for line locates before digging).

Pipeline Markers DO NOT show:
- The depth of pipelines.
- The number of pipelines.
- The exact location of the pipeline.
Pipeline Markers often DO show:
- The approximate location of the pipeline.
- The product transported.
- The name of the gas operator company and their emergency phone number.
Although it is unlikely that someone will experience a propane gas leak, the information provided is very important and assists in preparing you for safely responding to gas emergencies if one should occur.